Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Looking Forward to 2012

Debbie and Charlie invited us to Dunkirk, Maryland for Christmas. We had a very nice time with the and their family and friends.
I went to see the 'Tom Thompson and the Group of Seven' exhibition at the McMichael  Canadian Art Collection.
Barbara Streisand came to the Air Canada Center 23-Oct-12 and Lynda was there. From a 'Star is Born' she sang; Lost Inside You and Evergreen with accompaniment from American trumpeter Chris Botti.
Sarah's costume for Johannes Vermeer's, The Girl With The Pearl Earring (Halloween 2012).
Daisy and I camped at Valens, Ontario with work colleagues from Domino. Daisy enjoyed it until the coyotes started howling and then she went quiet!
A trip to Rockwood Conservation Area is a must. One hour from Oakville and you can enjoy this most scenic piece of Southern Ontario. Limestone cliffs, glacial potholes and caves make this conservation area on the Eramosa River quite spectacular and the best way to enjoy the view is from a canoe. Summer 2012 keeps rolling on.
So now we all like canoeing. Daisy has yet to figure out the front of the canoe. Daisy actually facing forward!!
We have a water theme going on this year. Probably because that's one of the best ways to see Canada. Plus we like canoeing and kayaking. We found Rockwood Conservation Area on the last week of September.

Lynda finally setting off in a single person kayak and enjoying it by all accounts in 'Big Tub Harbour', Tobermory.
Hiking with Judy and Russell in Bruce Peninsula National Park. Don't look down Russell!
A well earned rest on the shores of Georgian Bay. 
Lynda looking every-bit the kayaking expert in front of the Big-Tub lighthouse. How long are your legs?
Georgian Bay
A lovely evening out at the Spoon and Fork in Oakville. Nice treat girls.
Yasmina and Radalberry came to see us in August. It was great to see them again. Still plenty of energy after an hours canoeing at Kelso.
19-August and a great way to celebrate my birthday around the Toronto Islands
Back on the Trans-Canadienne Highway this time in Quebec.
Quebec City summer 2012 on the board walk in front of the Chateau Frontenac.
Lynda standing next to a Guard from the Royal 22e Régiment at the Citadel Quebec City.
This cannon ball is within the walled city and has been pulled out of the ground by the tree roots.
We came across this moose on a hike in the Parc National de la Jacques-Cartier.  Our first moose sighting.
A spectacular view along the Vallée de la Jacques-Cartier.
During our summer visit to Quebec Gity we took a drive outside the city limits to one of Quebec's National Parc's.
Mike and Lynda enjoying the 2012 Honda Indy
Saturday July 7, 2012 we went to the 2012 Honda Indy, Toronto. Tickets were courtesy of our neighbor John. This view is of Pit Lane looking towards Down-Town. Another great view of Toronto and a great day. ‘Good-on-ya’ John.
I caught up with Dario Franchitti, defending Champion of Honda Indy, Toronto. Lynda would I look good in white? Dario started Sunday’s race in pole position but I need to teach him how to stop for gas. Carolyn here is your picture.
If I said here is my car, that would be boring.
Another great day out in Toronto

Canada Day and Lynda finally enjoying time on the water in a canoe at Lake Kelso.
On the last Saturday in June we went to Lowville Bistro for dinner thanks to Jenny and Tony. Thanks guys we enjoyed  our evening.
Sarah and Uncle Phil sharing a joke on the GO-Train heading towards Toronto.
Sarah, Lynda and Mike enjoying time down by the lake. We now need a suitably sized ice cream for the  super sized Cadburys Flake we found!
Larking around on the boardwalk in Toronto. John, Phil and Emma came to see us in  June 2012.
19-May-2012 and Chelsea played and beat Bayern Munich in the Champion League final. in their own stadium. 70,000 Chelsea fans celebrated on Sunday in West London. I celebrated on my deck.
12-May-2012 Sarah invited us back to the AGO to see an exhibition of Picasso's work. Sarah's housemate and friend Alisa joined us. Standing outside the AGO in front of the 'Dora Maar Seated'.
Lynda and Daisy on a hike in early May. We covered about 10Km, but paid for it next day. All part of trying to experience more of Southern Ontario.
Shore line of Luther Lake a 3500 acre lake in Credit Valley 90 minutes from Oakville
McKenzie stayed with us for 2-years whilst studying at Sheridan College. Congrats McKenzie on passing your Travel and Tourism course.
4-April, Lynda and I returned to a favorite Italian restaurant 'The Olive Press' in Oakville to celebrate our 5th year living in Canada
Back to Toronto and Sarah invited us to OCADu to see her art display titled 'neither here, nor there' and we had a peek in the studio.
Julie, Alfie and Lynda enjoying early spring sunshine at the 'bluebell wood' at the back of  Warren Lodge.
In memory of Margaret Rose Turner
Back to the UK in March 2012 for Mum's funeral. 
Feb-12 Jenny, Tony and Robert came over to Canada to visit Oakville and ski in Quebec.
Yes they are tree's at the top on Mont Tremblant, and that is snow.
There's some color coordination going on here.
This river runs on the north side of Mt Tremblant.
We stayed at Mont Tremblant Log Cabins.

A night in the Tremblant Village, what has Tony seen?
Out for a stroll around the neighborhood.

1 comment:

Steve and Lin said...

Congrats on your 5 years in Canada...cant believe its been that long....and sorry about your Mum