Thursday, January 31, 2013

2013 Already

We spotted a small herd of white tailed deer whilst heading towards our boxing day walk in Rattray Marsh.
24th December, 2013. This will be our first Christmas all together in Canada. Robert is also convinced it will be his first white Christmas.
The ice storm was spectacular at the time and for several days over Christmas, but you have to feel sorry for the people in Toronto still with no power after 8-days.

An ice storm passed through Southern Ontario 21 Dec, 2013. Over a centimeter of ice built up on all surfaces.

A return to the UK Oct-2013 to meet up with all the family in Derbyshire, UK.
Jenny and Tony's wedding at St. Mary's, Mapleton in Derbyshire.
Peak District National Park in Derbyshire
A misty morning in Algonquin Park looking out over Smoke Lake
Fall colors on Peck Lake
Robert and Brielle in Algonquin Park. It was a blue sky, blue water and Chelsea blue day.
Yes Daisy this is our home for the night and you are here to protect us!
Breakfast in a bap was a good way to start our day camping in Bronte Creek Provincial Park. We had traveled all of 10 Km to get to the park. But when you are sleeping in a field does it really matter where the field is?
We visited Luther Marsh Conservation Area March 2012 and hiked part way around the lake. This year we came back to kayak. 
Having fun and exercise on the water on a blue sky day in the Kawartha Highlands doesn't get any better!
Where is the summer going, we are now in August. Today we took a 3-hour ride to Long-Lake in the Kawartha Highlands. Typical scenery of rocks and pine trees known as the Canadian Shield. I hope I will be able to convince Lynda to come back here and camp one day! It was a long lake as well.
Seeing Sarah off at Toronto airport, destined for Korea and then Thailand.
We were invited to Chantal & François' wedding in Montreal. The service and speeches were in French but Lynda and I got our own English translation.
July 23rd was Robert's birthday (as usual). We went to the Fork and Spoon. Photo courtesy of Brielle.
Early July we stepped it up with the kayak and took a trip on the Beaver River up towards Collingwood. We didn't see a beaver but the river was full of frogs. A very nice trip, we will do it again. 
Of course I had to get in on the act as well so I went and found Marie-Mai and her band for a photo opportunity. They performed a very good set on Parliament Hill earlier and kindly obliged with a photo. Watch out UK they are good.
Well we did get closer to the stage and Lynda got close enough to shake Canadian Astronaut Chris Hadfield's hand. NASA Astronaut Tom Marshburn looking on thinking, lucky Chris!
Parliament Hill, Ottawa July 1st Canada Day. Great anticipation for the day and fireworks in the evening. Would be good if we can get a bit closer to that stage!
Two eggs in a Loon's nest at Honey Harbour, Georgian Bay, Ontario.
15-June we took the kayak to Honey Harbour on Georgian Bay. It was a blue sky day so the big boats were out in force which made for a pretty bumpy ride in the kayak. Lynda was none too happy so we headed for calmer water and this rock island for a picnic lunch and to settle our nerves!
John, Lynda, Mary, Daisy and I waiting for the sun to appear at  Crawford Lake. John and Mary  spent the 3rd week of their N.A. tour with us in Canada.
Lynda and John canoeing at Rockwood Conservation.
We drove by the Wayside Chapel on the Niagara River Parkway with John and Mary. This chapel is in the Guinness Book of World Records for being the smallest chapel in the world. It seats only 6 people.
The pebble beach at Rattray Marsh in Mississauga. Lynda looking out on to Lake Ontario.
Wild flowers at Rattray Marsh. This walk was recommended by my work friend Sandy  shortly after we arrived in Canada. I'm not sure why it took so long to get here. It is a beautiful location.
Trip out in the Advanced Elements Kayak on Bronte Creek, Oakville. We didn't get too far up the creek before the water became too shallow.
Cocktails on the lawn is always a favorite pass-time. 
Julie delivered Robert back to Canada May-13. We had a fabulous weekend. Good weather great company. We muscled in on a school trip for this photograph at Niagara River.
8 April, 2013 Sarah and I went to the Toronto Maple Leafs-v-New York Rangers NHL game.  Leafs won 4-3.
Celebrating our sixth year in Canada at the Spoon and Fork Thai restaurant in Oakville.
Ellie came to see us in March 2013 en route to the Vancouver Fashion Week.
Hey New York......let's paaaarty!
Our first trip to Ellicottville, New York March 9, 2013. We had a great time skiing and the weather was superb plus it was Mardi Gras weekend.
Our first sighting of an Eastern Wolf in Algonquin Park. He was feeding on a road-kill moose carcass placed at the visitors center.
A lot of heavy snow has fallen in the park this year!
All bundled up to keep warm during our March-Break in Algonquin Park. Temperature was -12 degreesC or so. Daisy had new shoes and coat for the occasion.
We met up with some Husky dog sled team's in the park. They were extremely friendly.
We went back to Algonguin Provincial Park at the beginning of March to experience the park in winter.
Feb 14, 2013 we were invited to Juan and Gaby's wedding. It was a  fun evening with lots of Mexican influence including a Mariachi (Mexican) Band. 
That is a serious snow fall. Picture of our old neighborhood, Pondview Place.
A snowy scene at 16-Mile Creek in Oakville the day after the  February 8, 2013 winter storm. What more do you need on a walk?
Well you certainly need a companion to enjoy the snow.
My car might be the smallest on the block, but I do believe my snow pile is bigger than my neighbors!
Making last minute adjustments to the head gear before the descent down Mt Tremblant.
Being less than 1000 meters vertical, all the runs at Mt. Tremblant are lined with trees. It makes for spectacular scenery even if some of the trees are dead.
Photo call at the top of the look-out tower.