Saturday, June 28, 2008

Summer trip to Algonquin Park

Peck Lake is listed as a moderate 1.9Km hike along the lake shorline. It was made slightly more tricky following all the rain we had this summer. There were plenty of scenic views around the lake and the natives were friendly enough. "Sarah, how do I look"? "You look great Olivia, now come on we have to find our way out of here". Spruce Bog Boardwalk was the easiest walk during our stay in Algonquin Park. It is located 42.5Km from the West Gate. The pine lined boardwalk makes for easy hiking. Not that easy obviously. The girls taking a 5 minute break. Sarah and Olivia setting off from Algonquin Outfitters on Ox Tongue Lake on their canoeing adventure. Lynda and Muffin are not convinced that this is a good idea and stand well back. Come on Lynda it's as safe as houses in these canoes. That is Lynda's seat. No she didn't fall out. She just didn't get in! Oh well, I think it made for a good photo, a typical Canadian scene really. The girls are making good progress although not quite together with the paddling. Practice makes perfect girls, off you go. A beaver dam on the 2.0Km walk around, you guessed it Beaver Pond. Quite amazing how a few trees, branches and some mud can hold back the water of an entire lake. Clever these beavers! A panaramic view of Beaver Pond. 1000 sq miles of rivers lakes and forest. The girls on the viewing platform at the Algonquin Visitor Centre. The centre is only 13Km from the East Gate.


the browns x said...

hi mike. Loved your blog! the comments were funny! lovely to see your pictures it looks beautiful! love the browns x

phil said...

Hi Mike
Great to see your blogg and keep in touch with what you are all doing. It goes top show you do have too much time!! Keep it up as it's great. See you next summer. Phil

tina and liz said...

Hi Lynda & Mike
Enjoyed looking at your blog, brought back many memories of May! You look like you have settled well, and are having a great time. Look forward to catching up with you Feb/March when you are in the UK. You never know we might pay you a visit nxt year!!!!
Love Liz and Tina xx