Saturday, October 25, 2008

Friends and Family in Canada

The Wayside Chapel in Niagara seats 6 people so the four of us made-up two-thirds of the congregation.
Julie and I in Niagara-on-the-Lake, May 2013.
Sarah and Alisa on Victoria Day 2013
We celebrated our 3rd year anniversary in Canada with Bruno and Lorraine. It was Easter Saturday and we had a nice evening. We said farewell to John, Alison and the children on April Fool's day. It was nice knowing them. They are heading back to England.
Waiting patiently for a storm to pass whilst our guide reads about the habitat of the beaver. The storm didn't pass and we had to hot-foot it back to the car. Julie and Peter came to see the fall colours (and us) in Oct-09.
Julie contemplating Smoke Lake.
What are you thinking about dad?
Dad and I in Niagara-on-the-Lake. Mike and I love this town, it's very quaint, the flowers are beautiful and there's an English pub called the Angel. Dad thought the Angel was great to! Dad came over in June-07.  Mike's dad came to see us in Oct-07. He was our first visitor to our new house. Here we are in Niagara. I still feel guilty that Mike and I weren't at Hamilton airport when he arrived. I think Reuben knew a short-cut across the Atlantic.Sarah and Yaz on the shore of Lake Ontario. Yaz came to see us in Oct-07 and we had a lot of fun from the moment we picked her up at the airport. Can she talk, wow!! Armen was our next door neighbour on Pondview. What a great little fella. Can he ever talk! As we have only moved across the pond we still 'hear' Armen occasionally! Of course we do see him as well. Lynda and I were in Canadian Superstore one day and my name was announced over the PA system, or so we thought! No it was Armen hidden behind the watermelons. "Hey Mike" boomed across the store. Liz and Tina, friends of mine from school came over in May-08. It was great to see them. We had a great time together. They had a blast in Niagara and went on the 'Maid-of-the-Mist' and the helicopter ride over the falls. The 'Crazy Gang' arrived in June-08. What a weekend. We were eaten alive by mosquitoes at Crawford lake, bar-b-qued in a hail storm and Mike fell in to the lake with Siobhan's camera. We did have a fun time with Jon and Siobhan. Plenty of eating and drinking, just like old time's in Salisbury. Bill & Sarah at the 'Hug Me' tree in Toronto. Bill came over in July-08. Lin and Steve were the first people we met in Canada. We stayed at their Creekside B&B in Burlington. They are also British, but have been over here for nearly 30-years. They have introduced us to so many people and are now good friends. They are also very good skiers. They took us to Blue Mountain for a couple of days. Sharing a Chinese meal with Bruno and Lorraine our neighbours. Muffin and Bailey ready to pounce. We had a few late nights on the deck during the summer-08, followed by a few sore heads. Dad and Alex came to see us again in Nov-08. Here we are at the Royal Botanical Gardens in Burlington. This is the largest botanical garden in Canada. We had a nice weekend. Alex charmed everyone he met. Thanks for coming all that way for a brief visit. If it wasn't for school and work we could have had more time!! Thanks for the Greene King IPA 4-pack. Robert, Michelle and Alfie came to see us in Nov-08. 10-days of neglect hey Muffin, so you sit on top of Alfie. A trip to Crawford Lake and Alfie's first time in the snow. Michelle, Robert, Debbie & Jacques arrived on 31-May-09.
What can you see Alfie? The Holding's came back to see us in Jul-09. An afternoon stroll down at Bronte harbour.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Fall colours in Algonquin Park

We had a great view from the top of this 82ft viewing tower. The tower was built in 1922 as a forest fire observation post. In 1961 (that date sounds familiar) it became a scenic lookout for the town and tourists. We had a great view of the 'Lake of Bays'. Hey Lynda, we can see 310 sq. miles of forest from up here! Of all the views we saw on our trip to Algonquin Park this corner on highway 35 driving away from Dorset was my favorite. The colours were magnificent. Unbelievable colours on highway 11 leading towards Algonquin Park. The colours were seen best from the highway. When we ventured into the forest the trees were mainly evergreen. Plus Lynda was more interested in looking for bears. 'Mizzy Lake Trail' was one of our favourite walks when we came in the summer. This small pool on the trail gave us an opportunity to show-off our artistic flair with the reflection. I think it worked well!! ....and Muffin had a good time to!! Hey all you folks back in Suffolk, England. The guy who runs this trading post on the Oxtongue Lake used to work for the Greene King Brewery. It was a pity he was pumping gas not IPA! By the look of the photo I didn't need anything to drink.